COMMUNITY spirit is bringing a "tear to the eye" as West Fife businesses go the extra mile to help those in need.

Local bars and restaurants are leading efforts to ensure key workers and the elderly and vulnerable have fresh food and hot meals delivered to their doors.

The Glen Tavern, Khushi's and Lóuie Brown's are just three of the many establishments doing their best to support their communities.

Lóuie Brown's in Dalgety Bay are providing up to 180 lunches a day, from Monday to Friday.

One of the gastropub's managers, Lauren Robertson, told the Press: "The demand has been high and quite eye-opening.

"We started it off by funding it ourselves.

"That wasn't sustainable in the long-term so we reached out on social media and the response has been incredible.

"Dalgety Bay is a great community anyway but it's been great to see everyone come together like this to help those who need it."

They now have seven volunteer delivery drivers serving the town with meals prepared by their two chefs, James Thomas and John Gow.

Contributions have been made by several local groups and organisations, including from the Dalgety Bay and Hillend Gala and the Rotary Club of Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay.

If you know anyone who is self-isolating, vulnerable or over the age of 70, phone: 07711987888 or 07935664846 or contact their Facebook page. It is a free service which is set to be monitored on a week-to-week basis.

The Glen Tavern in Dunfermline are racking up the miles as well with their drivers venturing as far out as Kelty to reach those in need of food and supplies.

Sarah Johnston, licensee, told the Press that their kitchen "couldn't go to waste".

"There was no way we could sit back and do nothing," she said. "We're part of a great community here.

"We couldn't let people struggle. It didn't cross our minds for one second to do anything other than help people."

More than £1,500 has been raised to help the pub, on Pittencrieff Street, buy supplies and deliver hot meals and hampers to the elderly and vulnerable.

The Dunfermline Folk Club, who meet at the Tavern every Wednesday, donated £250 and their chairperson was delighted to help.

Michael Back said: "I think what they're doing is brilliant and our members have been generous with their donations.

"It's a fantastic little pub that's doing a lot of good for people who need some help right now."

To contact the Glen Tavern, phone: 01383 724009.

To donate to their fundraiser, visit:

The owner of popular Indian restaurant Khushi’s has stepped back into the kitchen to prepare meals for emergency service workers.

The Dunfermline eatery may be closed to the public but Riaz Mohammed has cooked more than 200 meals and has delivered them to police, fire and NHS workers in the past three weeks.

Khushi's have now launched an online fundraiser for anyone who wishes to donate.

On Monday, a spokesperson for the business posted on Facebook, stating: "The number of generous donation offers from our amazing community to help with the purchase of supplies has brought a tear to our eye so from tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be starting a new JustGiving campaign where people who wish to support these emergency meals can make a donation and see the results.

"This is a one-man operation so we can't deliver individual meals, only group meals to 10 or more people. It is perfect for feeding hungry mouths at the start or end of a hard shift."

Khushi's are also widening their scope by offering meals to more than just emergency service workers.

They added: "It is also now clear that it's not just emergency service personnel who are risking their own safety to get us through this but all key workers, like postal workers, binmen and supermarket employees.

"So we would like to hear your suggestions on who should benefit from these meals."

To donate to their fundraiser, visit:

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