A 10-YEAR-OLD Dunfermline boy whose mum is battling breast cancer has raised an incredible £3,500 for charity.

It’s been a tough year for brave Daniel Langner but he has still risen to the challenge and completed a 5K Race for Life for Cancer Research with his mum, Kathleen.

Not only has Daniel been watching his mum go through treatment but one of his football coaches was also diagnosed with cancer early this year.

Spurred on to raise awareness, the Pitreavie Primary pupil planned to raise £100 but he has dwarfed his original target thanks to generous contributions from family, friends and the community.

Daniel’s dad, Jan, told the Press: “Back in July, Kathleen was diagnosed with breast cancer. We were really taken by surprise by it.

“But then we were presented with the task of explaining to Daniel what was going on and how his mum would be poorly but would get better again.

“He’s done charity stuff before but he said he would like to do something for his mum.

“So Daniel did the 5K in the Glen in October with his mum on a day where she was feeling better but, since, we’ve just watched the donations go up and up.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by it all and it’s incredibly touching to see that people are thinking about Daniel and Kathleen.”

Kathleen, 44, is receiving chemotherapy every three weeks and in the week to 10 days after the treatment is normally very poorly.

But as Race for Life events are cancelled at the moment, the mum and son were able to pick a day to complete their run on a day Kathleen felt better.

Jan, 44, who is a British Transport Police officer, added: “It was great that Kathleen got the chance to do it with Daniel and she was able to manage when she could take part.

“Daniel was really proud doing it with his mum and wanted to make sure everyone knew what he was doing, so he made himself a race number which said he was racing for his mum and his football coach.

“Daniel has done really well and we’re extremely proud of him.

“Despite everything, he is still getting on well at school, working hard on his football – playing for East End Boys – and has been so determined to raise as much money as possible.”

Unbelievably, the three most important women in Jan’s life have all had breast cancer, including his mum and gran, who lost her life to the illness.

Thankfully, Jan’s mum survived cancer and the family is hoping that Kathleen will get the all-clear in the spring when she finishes her treatment.

“You don’t realise until you live with someone who has cancer what they actually go through,” Jan said.

“It’s absolutely horrific.

“For two young boys (Daniel also had a younger brother, Lewis), seeing their mum go through this ... I mean I just don’t know how they are doing it.

“I can’t imagine what I would do at 10-years-old and on top of that seeing your football coach also battle cancer.

“It’s certainly been a difficult year but we try to stay positive.

“Myself and Kathleen try not to get upset in front of the kids and that’s been hard when she’s had really bad side effects.

“We have our moments though.

“Kathleen found a lump on her breast and after getting a biopsy we were told it wasn’t great news.

“It just shows you the importance of getting checked.

“But we’ve been really touched by everyone’s support and it’s incredibly moving to see that people do care when you are going through a tough time.”

If you would like to donate, visit: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/daniels-very-2020-race-for-life-19