QUEEN Anne High School’s headteacher has paid tribute to her staff and pupils for their resilience and togetherness during the coronavirus pandemic.

Ruth McFarlane believes their efforts have demonstrated a “strong school community” throughout the course of 2020.

In her last school bulletin to parents before Christmas, Ms McFarlane highlighted ways in which the school had to adapt over the year – including the facilities team spending 90 minutes opening all the windows in the school each day for better air circulation.

It is just one health and safety protocol that has become the norm and she went on to thank all members of the school for adapting to the ‘new normal’.

She also added staff attendance had never been higher.

Ms McFarlane commented: “I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the young people of Queen Anne High School who I could not be prouder of!

“Their maturity and sense of responsibility has been clearly evident and we shouldn’t underestimate the anxieties they are managing on a daily basis.

“The entire staff have pulled together while working under conditions not experienced before.

“Teachers have supported colleagues required to self-isolate by covering classes. They have had to adapt the way in which learning is delivered and in a very short period of time have had to upskill significantly in digital technologies.

“Teachers have had to implement new assessment and moderation processes in response to national SQA alternative certification models and changes to course content under significant pressure and timeframes.

“Many have heightened anxieties due to their own health or the ill health of their own children and family members and yet have attended work in a building of 2,000 people every day. Staff attendance has never been higher, which is reflective of their commitment to our young people.

“Our PSA team and a large proportion of teachers have volunteered to support entry and exit points, dining hall queues, playground duties etc at intervals and lunchtimes to help to maintain rigor with health and safety protocols.

“I can honestly say that, despite these challenges, the quality of learning experience, while different, has been of a very high quality.

“Our entire pupil support team who work closely with so many of our most vulnerable young people and families quite simply are remarkable.

“Our facilities team have helped to maintain the safety of all in the building by also having to adapt to new cleaning routines, regular industrial-scale deliveries of pallets of anti-microbial wipes and thousands of litres of hand-sanitiser which need to be quality-assured, stored and despatched to classrooms on an ongoing basis. Just opening all the windows in the building at 7am takes 90 minutes!

“The technician team have supported our increased need for digital technologies and our admin team have fielded calls from families under huge pressures and have also facilitated an efficient support to contact-tracing and all admin associated with the new SQA assessment requirements.

“Catering staff have also had to adapt to a completely new way of working and enhanced hygiene protocols.

“Staff have had to absorb all of this in addition to the job they would normally do.

“Parents and carers have also been under much pressure. We understand the concern for the safety of their children and the anxieties associated with the change to the SQA examination process.

“We have really appreciated all the emails and calls of support – it makes a big difference.

“So, overall, what an amazing collective effort from the QAHS community!

“I appreciate it and thank you for it.

“I hope you have a safe and wonderful Christmas holiday because you absolutely deserve it!”