THE selfless volunteers at Pittencrieff Park have praised the Press for championing one of Scotland's top green spaces.

The 'Protect our Glen' campaign was launched last week after memorial benches were set alight by heartless vandals.

Chairman of charitable organisation Friends of Pittencrieff Park, Harry Dunn said: "On behalf of the Friends of Pittencrieff Park, thank you Dunfermline Press for taking up your cudgels and pen to campaign for action to protect Pittencrieff Park.

"Your article and coverage were excellent in bringing to full attention a very serious and escalating problem of mindless damage to the park.

"The Friends' anger in seeing this damage to the Glen had been compounded by the knowledge and awareness of the so many people that now make full use of the park and its attractions in this time of COVID lockdown – it must also have been distressing for them to witness this level of vandalism.

"On a positive note, the hope has to be that the Dunfermline Press campaign will have the required effect to eliminate the levels of vandalism, and in your words, achieve a greater involvement and engagement with the youth of the town.

"Also, the possibility of recruitment of some, to become Friends and volunteers within Pittencrieff Park. That may be a hope too far but you have to dream."

A request for funding for CCTV cameras will be made to the City of Dunfermline area committee next month.

Meanwhile, Dunfermline eye company Optos have made a donation to repair the damaged playpark. Work is expected to start there next month.

Dunfermline MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville said: "I was shocked and disappointed to hear about the acts of vandalism within our Glen and I'm more than happy to support the Dunfermline Press campaign.

"Anti-social behaviour is never acceptable within our communities and we can't allow a mindless minority to damage Dunfermline's property – or our town's reputation.

"Many people will have found solace in the park's surroundings during these difficult past 12 months and to see it treated with such flagrant disrespect is heartbreaking.

"I have written a letter to Police Scotland regarding the incident and I look forward to hearing more about their plans to tackle the problem head-on."

More praise for the Press came from Fife Scottish Conservative MSP Alexander Stewart. He said: “This spate of vandalism at Pittencrieff Park is truly horrific. Setting fire to memorial benches, for example, is particularly sickening as these hold deep, personal meaning for the people who have paid good money in memory of their loved ones.

"Fife Council’s funds are already critically-stretched and repairs to properties as a result of this behaviour are a further waste of valuable resources which could be earmarked for the benefit of the community.

"The Dunfermline Press should be commended for its sterling and tenacious efforts in highlighting this despicable behaviour which has taken place at the park in recent months and years.

"The excellent work of the newspaper, along with its proposed installation of CCTV, is hoped will also assist greatly in bringing those mindless perpetrators to justice.”