A GROUP of work friends have helped raise thousands of pounds in support of a colleague who has seen her niece's life turned upside down by diabetes.

Staff from Nationwide's Pitreavie branch have brought in funds of £1,570 thanks to the generosity of customers buying raffle tickets and the support of local businesses who chipped in with prizes.

Colleague Stacy Bence asked for help from her work pals after her 11-year-old niece, Neve Keir, was rushed to hospital on the cusp of a coma last August and she discovered she was diabetic.

Her family have all been raising cash for charities that research the disease.

Their fundraising will go towards an even bigger total of £5,588 which is to be split between Fife's paediatrics diabetes team, diabetes charity JDRF and Diabetes UK.

Stacy said: "Neve's life is completely different now. She can't stay over at a friend's because her mum's got to check her bloods and if she's going out for the day it takes a lot of planning and she's taken a lot of time off school to go to appointments.

"She was very ill in the summer, she'd lost a lot of weight and she was almost in a coma when she was taken to hospital.

"After tests, she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and her life has changed now forever."

Stacy added: "I've been very grateful to all the local Dunfermline businesses who have helped out with vouchers and prizes.

"And it's been the people of Dunfermline that have raised all this money by buying raffle tickets.

"All my colleagues did their bit selling tickets and telling their friends and families.

"I've had amazing support and it's the most the team has ever raised."