A WEST FIFE charity has seen hundreds of people turn up at its doors after a rally call for help for Afghan refugees brought in donations from across Scotland.

Acorn Aid (Scotland), which is based in Crossgates, posted a Facebook messaged asking for donations last week and received more than 35 tonnes in just three days!

The West Fife community answered the call but many from further a field did too, with one donor travelling all the way from Aberdeen!

Acorn Aid was founded in 2016 by Brian and June Miller, with aid initially for Bosnia.

Family and friends have since joined the charity, which now has 10 members, and, over the last five years, Acorn Aid has also helped local homeless charities, purchased defibrillators and public access boxes, and helped the housebound or self-isolating due to lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “We had planned to accept donations from Monday to Friday last week but found that our facilities were at capacity after only three evenings, with 100 visitors donating each night.

"We thought we might get one tonne of donations but by the Wednesday we had exceeded 35 tonnes!

"Grateful thanks to Trinity Church, Church Place, Crossgates; which was used as the drop-off and sorting point. Also to Williamson Haulage, in Cowdenbeath, for transport and a 20-foot container.

"A special thanks goes out to everyone who donated. Also, to the dozens of volunteers for giving freely of their time to help sort and organise donations.

"This includes individuals, groups of friends, church members, the 46th Fife Scout Group and parents, Councillor Darren Watt and family, Zoe for co-ordinating in Ceres, and Mark for co-ordinating in Auchtermuchty.

"Without your help, the success of this venture would not be possible.

"And, finally, Acorn Aid (Scotland) give their thanks to the Crossgates neighbourhood (as the church is situated in a tiny cul-de-sac) for their patience and understanding with the increased volume of traffic."

All donations were set to be given to Fife Voluntary Action on Tuesday for distribution to the Afghan refugees.