THE possibility of reinstating CCTV in Abbeyview will be looked at – along with other cameras across Fife.

Dunfermline South councillor James Calder had raised a motion at the City of Dunfermline area committee asking for a report to be brought forward detailing the possibility of the security cameras being returned.

He said the action came after "constant" anti-social behaviour and vandalism which was plaguing the community.

The CCTV system in Abbeyview hasn't been active in recent years after community wardens were relocated from the local office building, where it was monitored.

As reported by the Press last week, Cllr Calder said the issue has become so distressing that even children had been writing to him concerned about broken glass in their playpark.

At Tuesday's meeting, councillors agreed on an amended motion brought forward by Councillor Garry Haldane which will see members receive regular updates on a project between the council and Police Scotland in which 102 cameras throughout Fife are being looked at.

Cllr Calder said he was pleased the issue was back on the agenda.

“Residents in Abbeyview have been rightly frustrated that the CCTV in the area has been deactivated for a number of years, meaning that anti-social behaviour has a lack of deterrent in the area," he said.

“My motion was designed to make sure it is on the agenda for the council and while it was amended to take into account wider issues on CCTV, I will keep fighting on this.

“I made sure this will be coming back to the local area committee and will keep pushing for a solution to be brought to Abbeyview so that the local community does not have to worry about anti-social behaviour taking place unhindered.”

Cllr Haldane said all areas were affected with concerns over vandalism and violence and a Fife-wide approach would help.

"We can pick up all the local issues so we can have an influence on what happens and look at what is needed in each area," he said.

"There is vandalism and violent acts across Dunfermline – we are also looking at CCTV in the Glen."

Seconding Cllr Haldane's amendment, Councillor Fay Sinclair said she could understand where Cllr Calder was coming from.

"This motion, the CCTV issue, is something which has been raised for the last six years in the area and there is always. "it is being looked at to see what we can do' and I understand why that causes a lot of frustration," she said.

"Work is ongoing which will be completed this financial year. I support the amendment as I think it will drive this forward."