A FITNESS group has raised £1,700 at a Zumbathon for a community defibrillator after Denmark's Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest at the Euros.

The life-saving device will be installed outside Inspirefit studio at Elgin Industrial Estate so that the local community will also have access to it.

Owner of Inspirefit Kelly McMahon said that the need for a defibrillator had been highlighted after the horrific incident unfolded at this summer's major football tournament.

She said: "The father of one of our members also had a heart attack and a defibrillator saved his life so we thought this was a crucial piece of equipment that the studio needs.

"We are going to put it outside of the studio so the whole community has access to it.

"Elgin Industrial Estate is a busy place and there's lots of other leisure businesses too such as Crossfit and judo."

The Zumbathon lasted for three-and-a-half hours and was led by Kelly and her friend, Fiona Dacre.

Kelly added: "We had 51 people taking part and we managed to raise £1,700.

"We were all a bit knackered afterwards to be honest!

"But lots of people donated, from those who couldn't take part to friends of members.

"It took place at Ballast Bank and the Hillfoot Swifts kindly let us use their ground for free.

"We couldn't have asked for a better day on Saturday weather-wise either!"