RED-FACED council officials have had to go back to the drawing board after its own planning team said an application for a changing facility beside the Glen Pavilion should be withdrawn.

The Press reported recently that the local authority had submitted plans for a "changing places" modular unit which was set to be positioned beside the listed building within Pittencrieff Park.

An alternative location within the Glen is now being sought after Fife Council's planning department ruled out the proposal, with the application later withdrawn.

Andy MacLellan, community projects manager, told the Press that, "after discussion with the planning service, siting a modular unit beside the listed building wasn't seen as a viable option", and a new location would now have to be found.

He later confirmed that the unit was still intended for the Glen.

He said: "Our aim was to get this facility up and running as quickly as possible.

"However, we have to consider the planning issues involved and look forward to having this facility located in the Glen without too much further delay."

If a new application is approved, the unit will have specialised equipment and will be used "predominantly by visitors to the additional needs playpark already within the Glen", facilities team manager Melanie Arthur had stated to the Press.

The former plans stated that it would be open between 9am and 5pm, seven days a week.

Ms Arthur said it would help make the park more accessible to everyone.

She added: "The unit will be fitted with a radar key system for use during core opening times. A key will also be retained by the operator of the Pavilion so that the unit can be used during specific events.

"The cost of the unit will be determined through a tender process via Public Contract Scotland and we look forward to seeing this new facility opening for use as soon as possible."