A DUNFERMLINE woman who stole money from people after advertising her spare room as available to rent has appeared back in court.

One of the victims was also bombarded with graphic sex messages by 33-year-old Louise Ramsay.

She was put on the sex offenders' register because of her actions.

However, Dunfermline Sheriff Court heard Ramsay seemed determined to continue in her offending, when she appeared for sentencing.

Ramsay, of Kellock Avenue, admitted previously that on December 1 last year, she stole £340 in cash, that on February 12, she stole £525, and that on February 28, she stole £350.

She also admitted that on March 7, she sent a number of text messages to a man which were sexual in nature.

Depute fiscal Jill Currie told the court previously: “The thefts relate to the accused renting out a spare room at her home.”

People would agree to stay there and pay money in advance but were then not allowed to move in, without being re-paid.

Ramsay had used the ‘Spare Room’ website and also ‘Facebook’ to advertise the accommodation.

In one case, a young man who had agreed to take the room began receiving sex messages from Ramsay after he had already paid money.

He felt “uncomfortable” and “asked her to remain professional”, said the depute.

She then asked him for more money but he refused.

Her sex messages continued. “You’re grown-up for your age but I like that,” she wrote, adding his youth “turns me on”.

Ramsay made comments about his genitalia and said she could “teach him a thing or two” before going into graphic detail.

He asked for his money back but Ramsay made various excuses about why she could not do this over the following weeks.

Defence solicitor Alexander Flett said his client suffered from mental health problems and added: “It would be sad to say the least if she was sent into a custodial setting.”

Sheriff Wylie Robertson, reading the social work report, said: “She seems intent on continuing with her behaviour and activities.”

He called for a psychiatric report and an assessment of the risk she poses to herself and also members of the public, “particularly young males”.