A DUNFERMLINE film-maker hopes to stir a few memories with a new DVD about the town’s history.

Talisman Films Scotland, based in Dunfermline, have created the film which records the town throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries.

The tribute is narrated by former Depute Provost of Fife Council, Lizz Mogg, and features illustrations by William Thomson.

Many notable streets are unrecognisable in the rare images and archived film clips shown.

It documents many iconic moments such as the Olympic torch passing through the town, the last train crossing over Townhill Road, Canmore Golf Club celebrating their centenary and Prince Philip arriving for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

It also includes chats with Rosemary Squires about joining Tommy Sampson’s Big Band and Micheala Tabb speaking about being a World Championship snooker referee.

There are interviews with multiple business owners such as Les Mitchell, of Mitchell’s soft drinks factory, and Graham Henderson, who established Pink String and Sealing Wax, as well as Stuart Coates of the Health Food Store talking about his retirement.

The DVD, which contains many unseen photographs and movie footage, is available from the Talisman Films Scotland website.