A SCHOOLGIRL was left "traumatised and very distressed" after she was nearly knocked down by a car in Dunfermline.

The pupil was using the zebra crossing just outside the school gates at Bellyeoman Primary when the incident happened around 3pm yesterday (Wednesday).

The near miss prompted the headteacher to take immediate action, banning cars from the school grounds and contacting the police.

In a letter to parents and carers, Ashley Brown said: "There was an incident at 3pm yesterday where a child was nearly knocked down whilst using the zebra crossing at the bottom of the school driveway.

"This was mainly caused by parent cars abandoned on the school driveway, blocking access, meaning cars coming into the drive could neither progress up or down the drive.

"The child was using the crossing in the full belief that this was a safe space to cross and was traumatised and very distressed after a car nearly hit her.

"Thankfully, this did not happen, but as a result, I am advising that there will be NO parental access to the school driveway and the drop off zone will be coned off."

Ms Brown added: "We are in communication with Fife Council to investigate how this can be made into a safer crossing space for our children.

"We ask that parents support us by parking courteously in the surrounding area.

"There is parking available at the James Allan Centre which is a short walk from the school.

"The safety of our children is paramount and as a priority we need to take action now.

"Any cars entering the school driveway will be requested to leave. The police have also been informed."