WEST FIFERS have been digging deep for Ukraine yet again as collections continue.

Carnegie Dunfermline Rotary Club held two fundraising events over the past week in aid of Ukrainian refugees as well as efforts to eradicate polio.

On Saturday, the group held a 'Curry and quiz' dinner at Dunfermline's Apricot restaurant, followed by collections in the Kingsgate Centre and the Happy Earth Place on James Street.

Quiz entry fees totalled £600, with a raffle held on the night raising another £430.

The collections added another £515, bringing the donation amount to £1,545.

The funds are to be shared between the Rotary Foundation’s Disaster Response Fund and End Polio Now.

Abby McMurtrie, club president, said: "We’ve been bowled over by the response of West Fife people to our efforts to help these two very worthwhile causes. It’s clear that the desperate plight of our neighbours in Ukraine has touched the hearts of many of us.

"So we’d just like to say a very big thank-you to all the generous shoppers, to Apricot Restaurant, to the Happy Earth Place, and to the businesses in the Kingsgate Centre."

Commercial Primary School has been supporting UNICEF's Ukraine appeal for children in the country, they have raised an amazing £503.43.

Bellyeoman Primary have also supported the charity with a raffle to be held on March 30. This will include blue and yellow hampers filled with food, drink, and toiletries.

South Dunfermline Community Council have shared Acorn Aid's appeal.

The charity, based in Crossgates, is looking for everything from bandages and sterile saline, to warm socks, canned foods, batteries, and baby bottles. The full list can be found on their Facebook page.

They have also asked for "hand-knitted Trauma Buddies" for children in Ukraine and have already received donations of knitted teddies.

This Saturday, they are hosting a spring coffee morning in aid of their appeal. This will include a tombola, which Councillor Darren Watt has been helping to organise.

Cairneyhill Primary and Community School have also been raising money and will be donating an impressive £721 to the Red Cross to support their work with refugees.