IT'S estimated that more than 400 Ukrainian refugees will arrive in the Kingdom over the next few weeks.

And a new hub to welcome those fleeing from the war could be set up in West Fife by the end of the month.

Councillors were given an update at the policy and co-ordination committee yesterday (Thursday), which included a "significant" number of people willing to open their doors to refugees.

Chief executive Steve Grimmond said: "We've been working with the Scottish and UK governments on the details of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

"While there's still a lack of clarity over the timing and volume of potential arrivals, there is an anticipation over the next few weeks we might expect over 6,000 Ukrainian refugees to come to Scotland.

"And, again, while there's no certainty over the numbers that will come to Fife, we might anticipate that maybe over 400 refugees will come here in the coming weeks.

"The Fife response to that is being managed through a Fife for Ukraine team, supported by the Fife Resettlement core group of council services, NHS Fife, health and social care, Police Scotland and Fife Voluntary Action.

"We're aware there are already families in Fife who have arrived through the family and friends route and already a small number of hosting arrangements that have started locally."

He continued: "However, only a small number have actually arrived in Fife linked to visa approvals and my understanding is, so far, immediate financial assistance has been provided to one arrival through that route.

"We will be providing financial assistance as quickly as possible to others as we receive information."

The generosity of Fifers has been witnessed in the truckloads of donations that have been sent to Poland and Ukraine and that charity will begin at home too.

Mr Grimmond explained: "On the expressions of interest for hosting, there are a significant number of prospective hosts that have been identified across Scotland and indeed in Fife.

"Following the finalisation of the data-sharing agreement that was reached last week with the Scottish Government, COSLA and Fife Council, we're now beginning to receive data, which is being assessed by housing services, for property checks for host properties and confirming that those hosts will also undergo enhanced disclosure checks led by social work services.

"Safeguarding assessments will be carried out on hosts and their families prior to most refugees arriving in Fife.

"The property checks will be co-ordinated by protective services."

He added: "We've also been in discussion with the Scottish Government about the establishment of a welcome hub in Fife.

"There are already welcome hubs in place at key entry points in Edinburgh and Glasgow, for example, and there are ongoing discussions about setting one up in West Fife.

"If that is to proceed it will be operational by the end of this month/start of May and will provide an additional welcome arrangement for arrivals into Scotland.

"We continue to gear up so we're able to respond to, and provide, the wraparound support that will be required for what is likely to be significant numbers arriving over the latter part of April into May."