Could you offer a safe place for a young asylum seeker aged 16-18? Fife Council needs people who can open their homes and their hearts.

Here is Eleanor’s story about having Mona and Hilani to stay. 

Dunfermline Press: Host Eleanor Host Eleanor

She said: “The most challenging thing is the language. When the girls first arrived, we couldn’t speak to one another. But now we are getting along really well and it’s a delight to see them settling in. They have been with me for nearly a year and I've learned that you have to get alongside them, you have to understand their journey. I’ve become more aware and sensitive to their backgrounds, religion and personalities. 

They are so nice and working hard in a strange culture and environment on their own. I’m glad to support them and offer them a safe haven. I’m passionate about giving these young people the best chance and the best possible future. Fife Council urgently need people to look after young asylum seekers - I decided to give it a go - could you?"

Mona and Hilani said: “We arrived at Eleanor's house at ten o'clock at night and had no idea where we were. But this was far less frightening than the experiences we’ve had over the last two years. 

Dunfermline Press: Asylum seeker MonaAsylum seeker Mona

We were two 15-year-olds travelling alone through Sudan and Libya, held in camps where we were beaten and abused. We escaped to Italy and from there we travelled on to France, sometimes hitch hiking and walking. We did not feel anyone cared – we were not treated like people. Then we had the terrifying crossing over the channel. People on the overloaded boat were so frightened they were shouting, crying and being sick. We were so glad to be alive when we arrived in England.  

Now we are so happy staying with Eleanor, we are safe, we are at school learning English and maths and learning to cook. Over the summer holidays, we are hoping to learn to swim. Our past was unhappy and we still worry about the future, but we hope we will be allowed to stay".

Could you host a young asylum seeker - call Ulva Gibson on 03451 55 55 55 Ext 460528 or Patrick Porteous on 03451 55 55 55 Ext 443813 or go to to find out more.