RESIDENTS in Dunfermline city centre have raised concerns about billboards planned to replace green space.

Jenni Cleland, 74, has launched a petition against the structures, which are to be built on Chalmers Street, as she says they will have a "detrimental" effect on the area.

"They are planning on putting billboards on the street and taking away the grassy area which the community uses," she told the Press.

"It is used by dog-walkers, and it is going to spoil my view."

Jenni lives in Spencer House, sheltered accommodation at Canon Lynch Court, and says she's been told the boards will be set on a two-metre-high fence, and span six feet by three feet.

She added: "There is a pedestrian crossing where they are planning on putting them – it doesn't make sense for people crossing the road or for drivers who might be distracted.

"I only moved a year and a half ago after living in Spain and my heart sank when I came here because of the general state of the streets and buildings, I want to be able to change some of the environment.

"It has taken a lot to go round doors with the petition but I'll go back again if it's worth it.

"The space is an asset we don't want to lose and it will be an eyesore."

Businesses have also raised concerns, saying not only will the billboards block their own signage, but they could also become a meeting spot for unwanted gatherings.

Craig McIvor, financial director at Dunfermline Business Services, said: "Our biggest concern is the loss of green space and the possibility of increased anti-social behaviour which has already been happening.

"There is an access gate there – that means kids could be round the back of the wooden structures, there is the possibility of them setting fires there."

The Press reported previously that the owners of Chalmers Street restaurant Jack 'O' Bryan's had been hit with damage costing hundreds of pounds to their property and, in May, found that vandals had daubed a swastika sign on the nearby war memorial at Monastery Street.

Fife Council confirmed that plans had been submitted to place billboards in the area. They added that they had received objections which will be reviewed and considered as part of the assessment of the application.