FRIGHTENED residents in Dunfermline have been told to lock their doors and stay inside as armed police have sealed off their street.

The ongoing incident in Izatt Avenue is thought to have started around 4pm today (Tuesday).

Eyewitnesses have reported that around eight officers with black body armour and carrying guns, as well as eight additional officers, are on the scene amid what's understood to be concern for a person in the street.

One resident, who didn't want to be named, contacted the Press and said: "We've been told to stay in the house and lock the door. They're not letting anyone in or out and they are surrounding a house.

"There's eight of them with body armour and big guns and there's another eight normal police. There's two police vans and three cars.

"They've also got one of those big red blocks you see on the television and a crow bar.

"I asked what was happening but they said, 'We can't tell you'. 

"I'd had my blinds shut beacuse of the heat but I noticed it when I opened them as I was going to go out. They said that if we wanted to go out they would give us protection to allow us to leave.

"The police are being given water bottles.

"It's a bit frightening. I watch Criminal Minds on the television and it's like something you see on that."

We'll bring you more details on this ongoing incident when we have more.