AMAZON in Dunfermline has delivered a donation to Andy's Man Club in memory of a much-loved colleague at the fulfilment centre.

Staff have handed over £1,000 to the charity following the death of worker Leslie Dow.

Jamie Strain, general manager at Amazon in Dunfermline, said: "It is incredibly important for the team at Amazon in Dunfermline to make this donation in honour of our colleague and friend, Leslie Dow, who is missed by us all at the fulfilment centre.

"The charity offers an incredibly important service in Dunfermline, and we hope that it can help many other men looking for support.”

Jo Smith, senior admin assistant at Andy’s Man Club, added: “On behalf of the team at Andy’s Man Club, I would like to say thank you to Jamie and his team at Amazon in Dunfermline for being so supportive for this gift in their colleague’s memory, and are thinking of his family, friends, and colleagues at this sad time.

"Donations like this really make a difference for our charity.”

The donation to Andy’s Man Club was made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities around its operating locations across the UK.