A WEST FIFE social club which aims to decrease loneliness amongst elderly people is celebrating its first birthday.

Dunfermline Sporting Memories launched in February last year and has since been hailed as a huge success by organisers.

Based within Abbeyview Bowling Club, the group encourages conversation through sports reminiscence.

There are now 13 regular members and a group of three volunteers, as well as club co-ordinator Gary Waddell, who turn out for weekly meetings.

Gary told the Press: "From going from one member to a year later averaging 13 to 16 as a membership plus volunteers, the club has gone from strength to strength.

"It's been amazing, one chap always says it's the highlight of his week, a number of members, I'd say more than 50 per cent, have a diagnosis of early onset dementia.

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"Others are there to enjoy the club atmosphere and meeting people.

"They talk about memories of football mostly, people they've met over the years.

"At least four worked in the dockyard and bring their stories."

The club also hopes to help those who have become carers for older people and need a small rest while the person they look after takes part in an activity.

Gary continued: "There are those who have become isolated but the other side is people who are looking after members enjoying having the one-and-a-half hours to do their own thing.

"They're all chatty, they all love a blether, they have friendships now."

The group involves light physical activities and inclusive quizzes for everyone to get involved in.

On Tuesday, during a party held to celebrate the club's anniversary, a game of pass the parcel created "great hilarity" for those involved.

Seeing members light up is a common occurrence for volunteers, who Gary says are "able to see the the value and the difference the group is making".

His hopes for the next year include even more success stories - and more, but not too many, members telling their stories.

"I am hoping for more of the same, to some extent hopefully we don't get too big!" he said.

"I am looking forward to another year of people having a good time, it's what Sporting Memories was set up to achieve."

Dunfermline Sporting Memories runs every Tuesday between 10.30am-12pm at Abbeyview Bowling Club.