An Albanian, suspected of a road traffic offence involving alcohol, caused a disturbance at Dunfermline police station.

The culprit was 34-year-old Bledar Gjoka, of William Street, Dunfermline.

He was hit with a ban and a hefty fine when appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court, accompanied by a translator.

Gjoka admitted that on January 29, at Dunfermline police station, he failed to provide breath specimens, required to ascertain the level of alcohol in his blood.

He also admitted he shouted, swore and acted aggressively.

Despite needing a translator in court, Gjoka was able to shout abuse at officers in English at the police station.

Depute fiscal Catherine Stevenson said Gjoka was shouting and swearing, and had refused to provide breath specimens.

Defence solicitor Callum Harris said his client was “of Albanian origins” and had been in the UK for four years.

He went on: “He says he had been drinking to a limited degree. There was an element of a language barrier and perhaps a cultural mix-up.”

Sheriff Wylie Robertson fined Gjoka £1175 and banned him from driving for 12 months.