A BOWLER who competed at the British indoor bowls series in Abbeyview last month is 'disgusted' that he has been issued a parking fine.

David Bolt, who was representing England in their match against Scotland on Saturday, March 18, received a ticket from Fife Council for his parking despite him saying that there was not enough space on the day.

He called it a "disappointing end to the event" and despite appealing the ticket, he has been told that he will still have to pay the fine.

He told the Press: "As a player at the event I am disgusted that Fife Council used the opportunity to ticket multiple cars in the car park, including my own, whilst I was competing in the Scotland v England match.

"The car park could not cope with the volume of visitors and on arriving in the afternoon prior to the match there was no parking whatsoever, and the streets outside had cars on the pavement. There were several cars parked at the end of bays but ensuring there was no blocking of access or causing any issues to the public.

"I parked in the corner of the car park which was as close as I could get to carry my kit to the stadium. Again this was causing no obstruction and I would have hoped there would be an understanding due to the event.

"From what I have been led to believe the council have issued multiple tickets. A great advert for the area and on appeal they have advised they are not aware of any major event and the ticket stands."

David believes that there was around 750 to 800 people attending the event over the course of the weekend and that around 50 fines were issued.

He said: "How can you not know about a major sporting event in your area? I'm not taking the blame away from myself for not parking in a bay but if you saw where I was... If I was shopping somewhere or I was parked on double lines, then fair enough, but I was in the car park of the event."

Andy Paterson, Fife Coouncil's car parking strategy and operations lead consultant, said: "We didn't receive an approach from the organisers to help with parking at the event.

"Routine patrols found a number of parking contraventions in the Abbeyview car park, and these vehicles were issued with Penalty Charge Notices.

"Anyone who wishes to appeal the penalty charge can make an informal challenge within 28 days of receiving the PCN. Information about submitting an informal challenge online can be found at www.fife.gov.uk."