A drink driver stopped near Kelty was more than five times over the limit.

Maureen Okolo was seen swerving about the road and when police stopped her they found empty wine bottles in the car.

Okolo, 42, of Goodtrees Gardens, Moredun, Edinburgh, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

She admitted that on March 7 on the B914 Saline to Kelty road she drove a car having consumed excess alcohol.

Her reading was 125 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the legal limit being 22 microgrammes.

Depute fiscal Azrah Yousaf said that at around 6.55pm police received calls from members of the public about a female driver who was under the influence of alcohol and heading towards Kelty.

Police tracked down the car and saw it swerving about the road.

Officers stopped Okolo, could smell alcohol from her and saw empty bottles of wine in the car.

Defence solicitor Alistair Murphy said his client is the mother of two young children and she works as a social worker in Edinburgh.

He went on: “Alcohol is a problem for this lady. Once she starts drinking, she can’t stop.

“She’s aware how serious this is and the harm she could have caused.”

Sheriff Edward Gilroy fined Okolu £320 and banned her from driving for 16 months.