A NEW developer is taking forward plans for 165 new homes on farmland at the northern edge of Crossgates.

Last month it was revealed that Miller Homes were "no longer involved" with the proposals for a site to the west of Old Perth Road.

It was a joint initiative with Mr and Mrs David Orr, of Keirsbeath Farms Ltd, and now they've teamed up with Persimmon Homes.

Maureen Cuthbertson, from the Crossgates and Mossgreen Community Council, said: "Through the planning agent, they gave us the courtesy of letting us know they're the ones that are going to be building the houses which I think is a positive, usually we're the last to hear!

"They've arranged for the two public consultation meetings and my understanding is it may not be the same layout as Miller Homes planned.

Dunfermline Press: Miller Homes did have plans for 165 new homes in Crossgates but they're now being taken forward by another developer.Miller Homes did have plans for 165 new homes in Crossgates but they're now being taken forward by another developer. (Image: Google Maps)

"Every building company will have their own ideas but this is an opportunity to speak to them, maybe shape their plans and see what benefit there could be for the village.

"As with every housing development, you'll get people for it and against it."

The original housing plans emerged last summer and consultations were held about the development of 8.7 hectares of land between Old Perth Road and Manse Road.

It's primarily a grass field used for agriculture but also contains the existing farm complex, although not the farmhouse, of Mains of Beath Farm.

The proposals put forward by Mr and Mrs Orr and Miller Homes were for 157 private homes and eight affordable homes, prompting a local councillor who was worried about the impact on Crossgates to insist "enough is enough".

Fife Council allocated the site for housing in their local development plan with an estimated capacity of 200 houses.

The number of houses may change now that Persimmon are involved and the public will be able to find out more with consultation meetings scheduled for Friday July 21 and Friday September 1.

Iain McGouldrick, Persimmon North Scotland land director, told the Press: “I’m pleased to confirm that we’ll soon be bringing forward exciting plans for new homes, jobs and investment in Crossgates.

“Persimmon is committed to investing in Fife and with around half of our customers first-time buyers, we’re proud to be opening up new home ownership opportunities for local families.

“Over the coming weeks, we’ll be engaging closely with local residents to ensure the final proposals reflect their priorities and deliver real benefits for the Crossgates community.”

Maureen said: "We've lost out on community benefit in the past, on a few of the estates, so there are one or two things they could help with. Like other places, we have our challenges.

"There's not a lot of open space in the village, it's difficult getting an appointment with the doctor, there's a lack of shops and people are concerned about the school too.

"And there's nothing for youths here.

"They're trying to get a youth club for the younger ones and Primrose Community Trust are trying to get something up and running but just now there's nothing for teenagers.

"There's a lot going on but it's the same volunteers and they really need more support to move things on."

Asked about the change of developers, she said: "We'd always thought that work would have started on the site by now.

"I've no idea why it didn't go ahead, but I suppose it will all come out in the wash!"