AFTER making it their mission to get youngsters involved in skating, West Fife charity Boards for Bairns were able to land the Young Enterprise of the Year award, sponsored by TechnipFMC.

The organisation's founder, Rory Fell, picked up the accolade at Thursday's Community Champion Awards ceremony.

Back in 2021, Rory and friend Michael Westgarth made it their mission to help the skateboarding community after a chance encounter with some kids who asked for a go on their skateboards.

READ MORE: Winners of the Dunfermline Press Community Champion awards

The project is not just about getting people involved in the sport – which debuted at the Olympic Games in Tokyo – but to also make a "cultural and creative hub" for alternative sport in Dunfermline.

Last year, former Dunfermline High pupil Nathan Graham completed a coast-to-coast walk of the USA for the charity, travelling 3,000 miles from Los Angeles to New York.

Dunfermline Press: Rory Fell, of Boards for Bairns, with the Young Enterprise Champion of the Year award.Rory Fell, of Boards for Bairns, with the Young Enterprise Champion of the Year award. (Image: Jim Payne)

Boards for Bairns is now a registered charity and Rory was delighted to collect the Press award.

"I am feeling fantastic. We didn't even expect to be nominated," he said. "Everything has been really busy. We have registered as an official charity now so we have to do everything properly and that has stalled things for a while because that had to be all correct.

"We have now got everything in place so have upped operations and have the ability to give a lot more boards than ever before.

Dunfermline Press:

"Over the summer we are going to be working at a lot of events and providing support to groups.

"We are also trying to get a new skate park built with the Dunfermline Regeneration Trust. We are about halfway there with funding."

You can read more about all our winners on the Dunfermline Press website over the next few days and in this Thursday's paper.