GUIDED tours of the Forth Road Bridge offered as part of Open Doors Day have been booked up within a day of being advertised.

Bear Scotland say all spaces on the free behind-the-scenes tour of the bridge on September 23 have now been snapped up following "overwhelming" demand.

Guided minibus tours will depart every 15 minutes from the bridge office in South Queensferry and will stop at points of interest along the deck before visiting one of the anchorage chambers on the north side of the bridge, where the main cables are anchored into the rock.

Coinciding with the tours, the Forth Bridges exhibition at Transport Scotland’s Contact and Education Centre will also be open to the public from 9am until 5pm, featuring special exhibits and educational activities.

Advance booking is not necessary for the exhibition, or to take a walk across the bridge.

Everyone who attends either a bridge tour or the exhibition will have the chance to enter a charity prize draw for a once-in-a-lifetime trip for two to the top of the Queensferry Crossing’s main towers.

Andy Thompson, BEAR Scotland’s Operating Company Representative for South East Scotland, said: “The exhibition in the Contact and Education Centre will be open, so everyone is welcome to come along and find out more about these amazing bridges, whether or not you have a place on a tour.

“Everyone who attends will have the chance to enter a charity raffle to experience the incredible view from the top of the Queensferry Crossing – a real once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”