A CALL has been made to reinstate a scrapped Dunfermline school bus which has caused "chaos" for parents and carers.

The PR2 bus which serves Izatt Avenue for Pitreavie Primary School was cut by Fife Council at the start of this term, with claims families did not receive warning.

One mum, who did not want to be named, said her son and his friends were left standing at the stop on their first day back in August.

She has since sacrificed being on time for work to take her eight-year-old to school, with the only other option to be leaving him to cross the busy dual carriageway at Pitreavie Industrial Estate himself.

She told the Press: "Before the summer we were advised that the other bus would have a change of route, nothing to do with our bus, it wasn't getting scrapped or anything like that.

"Usually the school are really good at putting out reminders but they never put out a reminder about this.

"There was nothing at all to say anything, I emailed the school to ask why it was happening and they replied that they were told it wasn't coming on.

"It's the lack of communication, why has nobody told us?"

She continued: "Our drop-off point for the school is at the top of the industrial estate, so the kids have to cross an extremely busy road at the dual carriageway at Hospital Hill.

"There are traffic lights there but I am an ex-childminder and I have witnessed and nearly been hit at least five times because they don't pay attention on that road.

"I cannot leave my eight-year-old to walk that road by himself.

"There is a crossing patrol person but that can get cancelled at any point in the day so sometimes there's nobody there to cross the kids over.

"It's a massive, massive safety issue."

Her son is also now left for up to ten minutes by himself after school as she rushes to collect him after finishing work.

She said: "The bus is needed around here, there are plenty families who use it, nobody can understand why it's been pulled all of a sudden.

"There is nothing there that can make me understand why it's been cancelled.

"I now have to take him every day and be late for work, then he's left standing after school for about five or ten minutes by the time I get from the town to pick him up.

"It's a safety issue, I know there are parents there who know my children so I know they are safe but that's not the point.

"To put him into an after school club it's £12 an hour, that's not feasible to do it for five or ten minutes."

Councillor Aude Boubaker-Calder, who represents the Dunfermline Central ward, has called on Fife Council to urgently reinstate the bus.

She said: “Parents and the Residents Association have come to me after finding out with no forewarning at the start of term that the PR2 bus will no longer run from Izatt Avenue.

"They are really worried about the safety of their children who now have to cross one of the busiest roads in Dunfermline.

"What's concerning is that there has been a lack of consultation with the affected parents and the Dunfermline Central councillors regarding this critical decision.

"The absence of dialogue with the community has left parents feeling unheard and further adds to the anger."

Fife Council confirmed that both the PR2 and PR1 buses came to the end of their contract terms in June.

A new bus route was then redesigned from August and runs as PR1.

Cllr Boubaker-Calder added: "Some parents and carers, particularly those working, are finding themselves in a difficult situation as they are not especially able to accompany their primary aged children to Pitreavie Primary School due to work commitments.

"This bus service was crucial for a lot of them.

"In addition, the absence of proper safety measures, such as a consistent crossing patrol guards at the crossing, poses significant risks to the children while travelling to and from school.

"While Fife Council is urging parents to not use the car to bring children to schools, I feel it is in total contradiction to remove school bus services like this one.

"I urge Fife Council to reconsider urgently their decision and reinstate the service as soon as possible."

Back in 2017 then-headteacher of Pitreavie Primary Julie Journeaux told the Press parking was an "ongoing issue".

She said the problem had been causing hassle for fed-up residents and was a danger to pedestrians.

Head of Education and Children's Services, Shelagh McLean, said the council regularly reviews school transport arrangements as circumstances change across Fife.

"We understand that changes to routes can be difficult, but we make sure the policy is applied fairly across all schools in Fife," she said.

"This bus route was reviewed as children live less than one mile from school and there are appropriate walking routes available.

"Parents are informed of any changes."