THE brakes have been put on a proposal to postpone £243,000 of resurfacing works and spend the cash on fixing the potholes on Sherbrooke Road instead.

Rosyth councillor Brian Goodall wanted a change of priority with the money set aside for St Margaret's Way to be reallocated towards repairing "the worst road I've ever seen".

He said: "For me that would be righting the wrong that we did in February where I really wish I had stuck to my guns and insisted we should prioritise Sherbrooke Road above St Margaret's Way.

"I was regretting that afterwards and to then discover the work hasn't even started, and is not due to start until October, that's convinced me we made the wrong decision.

"We should prioritise that road, it's the one I get most complaints about."

Dunfermline Press: Councillor Brian Goodall said Sherbrooke Road in Rosyth was in desperate need of resurfacing. Councillor Brian Goodall said Sherbrooke Road in Rosyth was in desperate need of resurfacing. (Image: Google Maps)

At the South and West Fife area committee, an update was given on the area roads programme for 2022-23.

Most of the work was carried out but a number of projects were "delayed due to budget availability", including £243,000 to resurface St Margaret's Way.

It should have started in April.

Cllr Goodall said when he was elected to represent the ward he found the condition of Sherbrooke Road to be "the worst I've ever seen".

He said patching work had been done but within a matter of months the road had deteriorated badly with the emergence of more potholes and damaged areas.

And he added: "Members will remember (at the committee meeting) in February how upset I was that the priority for Rosyth was St Margaret's Way and there was no provision within the budget for any of the roads where people live.

"For me the only solution is for Sherbrooke Road to be properly resurfaced."

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Paul Hocking, the co-ordinator for programme development and asset management, agreed that St Margaret's Way was not a residential road but was in "very poor condition" and the work was "necessary".

He added: "It's regrettable that it has been delayed, unfortunately I don't have any information as to why that is."

Backed by the other councillors for Rosyth, Cllr Goodall called for the St Margaret's Way works to be further postponed.

He said this would give time for the council to inspect Sherbrooke Road, and the adjoining Linton Place, and assess how much it would cost to resurface them, with the possibility of spending a chunk of the £243,000 on repairing these roads instead.

This was agreed by the committee but later in the meeting, Mr Hocking returned with an updated position and said a contract was in place for St Margaret's Way and the "works have commenced".

The members said a report should still be brought back to the next committee meeting on the state of Sherbrooke Road and what it would cost to fix.

Other delayed projects included resurfacing of the C51 road at Saline, between the A823 to U006, which has an estimated cost of over £168,000.

Mr Hocking said patching should take place in the next couple of weeks to "hopefully eliminate a lot of the potholes that were prevalent on that route".

Works costing around £77,000 on the C5 road near Blair Castle and Culross, and around £80,000 of smoothing in Oakley on Sir George Bruce Road and James Hog Crescent, were also delayed from April and were completed in July.