SAFETY fears have been raised over motorists continuing to speed through Saline. 

Cllr Sam Steele has published the results of her speed survey on social media which showed concerns throughout the village. 

Sharing the results on her Facebook, she wrote: "West Road - Results concerning due to the high amount of drivers speeding.  Most drivers treat it like a 40mph and others go much faster.  Speed reduction measures to be investigated. 

"Oakley Road - Most drivers treat it like a 30mph.  Extra speed reduction measures need to be proposed.  Possible joint bid for Area Roads Programme budget with West Road."

The council's transportation department was not concerned with the results at North Road and Main Street. However, residents remain worried about the latter, so a repeat survey has been requested.

Sara Wilson, Fife Council's roads network service manager, said: "We regularly monitor vehicle speeds to help manage the road network and develop future traffic management projects.

"We work closely with local councillors on any concerns that are raised and, in this case, will be looking at options for further engineering works to remind drivers of the speed limit. 

"We will also be working with Police Scotland so they can carry out appropriate enforcement activity to ensure drivers comply with the law. 

"Specifically, we will be investigating the feasibility of speed reduction measures in West Road and Oakley Road due to the outcome of the speed surveys, which will likely be included in the Area Roads Programme proposals."