A DUNFERMLINE day care centre is driving forward a fundraiser to buy a much-needed new set of wheels.

The Abbeyview Day Centre is hoping to raise around £65,000 to buy a new minibus to transport its service users to and from the facility.

The current bus is reaching its 10th year and wear and tear has meant it is becoming increasingly costly.

Around £10,000 has already been raised and the charity has now started a Crowdfunder in the hope of boosting its total.

Assistant manager Kirsty Rowan said having a reliable minibus was vital for the services they run.

"We have day care for our services users which is people over 65," she explained. "We transport them to and from their properties to the day care then taken them home again in the afternoon.

"The bus is an essential part of day care services but it is nearly 10 years. It is costing more and more money to repair, especially the tail lift. We use that to get service users who are maybe not as mobile as others.

"We have recently had to get new tyres which is wear and tear and expected. Because it only does small journeys – we are only allowed to pick up in a small area – that that makes a massive difference. If you are not taking it on big runs and using the higher gears, it can have a detrimental affect on your vehicle."

An entertainment afternoon/evening is currently being planned which will also help go towards the total.

Kirsty added: "We are aware £65,000 is a lot of money. We are aware it will be a couple of years before we hit that target and we are doing everything we can in the meantime to try and get that money.

"We are hoping once we can get a substantial part, we can get some match funding.

"We are a charity. Although we get a small grant from Fife Council, we subsidise the rest. Service users have a fee for day care service and donations keep us ticking over."

Anyone wanting to donate, can find out more by visiting the Abbeyview Day Centre's Facebook page or the Crowdfunder which can be found here.