A ROSYTH gran says she is still 'trapped' in her living room despite pleas to Fife Council to find her a suitable home.

Linda Dickson has been unable to get out of her downstairs room since the beginning of the year as her wheelchair will not fit through the doors of her house.

She is forced to sit, eat and sleep in the same seat all day and night and has not been able to have a shower since January.

READ MORE: Wheelchair-bound woman is trapped in her own living room

She said she has pleaded, so far unsuccessfully, with the local authority for an adapted bungalow nearby so she can live more independently.

However, despite, she says, suitable properties coming and going in the local area in recent months, she is still no further on.

"I have considered going to a lawyer," she said. "Everyone seems to have human rights apart from me. Kids come to the door selling tablet and I can't get to the door. I cannot order a takeaway as I can't get out to the door to get it.

"It is depressing. You can only count how many squares are on the wallpaper so many times. I am sitting here, getting sores because I am not moving."

Dunfermline Press:

As reported previously by the Press, Linda has been unable to get out of her downstairs room since January because her house is not adapted to her mobility needs. She is reliant on carers coming in four times a day – and help from family – to look after her.

The wheelchair provided for her is too wide to get through her doors which has already caused issues for paramedics who attended when Linda suffered a heart attack in April.

She is due to get a ramp installed in her home but this, along with other necessary adaptations, have not yet come to fruition.

She is on a list for a council house and was offered one in Inverkeithing but this was unsuitable as she said moving further afield would see her away from her family who have been a vital support since she became ill.

Linda said: "My granddaughter saved me when I had the heart attack.

"When I got home the other day from the last trip to the hospital, I blacked out and she came running over as she couldn't get me and was trying to get me to come round.

"Twice she has saved my life so I don't want to move away to somewhere where I don't have anyone near.

"If there was genuinely nothing happening (council houses being allocated) and nobody was getting moved, I would be fine but it is.

"I said to the council, it is not hearsay, it is fact. I wish they could live a day in my life with the pain and the indignity and the boredom.

"When this happened, they were going to operate on me but then they told me I would not survive the operation. Now I wish I had taken the operation – if this is my life I don't want to sit here another six months."

Responding to Linda's situation, Fife Council housing manager Claire Mackinlay said: “Unfortunately there are very few houses available in the area Ms Dickson wants to live that will meet her needs.

"We are continuing to support and advise Ms Dickson to help her find suitable accommodation.”