A KINCARDINE resident is going the extra mile – or 100 miles – as she sets foot on a special charity challenge.

Chloe Sliman-Millitt will walk the mammoth distance over October to raise funds for the National Autistic Society.

The 21 year-old, who underwent has undergone three brain surgeries in the last year to treat hydrocephalus, was diagnosed with autism back in 2018, just six months after she turned 16.

She is now hoping to give back to the organisation which has previously helped her by providing advice through their helpline.

Dunfermline Press:

Chloe explained: "My mum passed away in 2016 and I was expelled from school in 2018. A bit more than six months later, a week before my 16th birthday, I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

"I didn't receive a lot of support regarding the diagnosis and it was a case of here's a leaflet, get on your way. I have had a lot of battles trying to access support – the majority of support out there is for autistic people with social work input.

"I phoned the National Autistic Society and said what advice can you give me and they were super, super understanding. They sat for over an hour to talk to me about everything.

"They have a helpline so if you have any questions, or are going through something, they can offer so much support."

Chloe, who was recently awarded Young Person of the Year award by the Youth First charity, has already raised over £400 for her efforts.

Her total has been boosted by sponsorship by local Kincardine chippie Ilarios whose staff have also agreed to walk the final five miles of the challenge with Chloe.

Anyone wanting to donate can do so by visiting here