A DUNFERMLINE primary school have been hard at work over their first term to raise money for charity. 

Primary 4 and Primary 6 pupils at Canmore Primary have raised £767 for Jeans for Genes and Macmillan under their social target 'I can think of others'.

The kind-hearted pupils organised multiple fundraisers, activities, competitions and even a fun day to raise money for the charities. 

Then, to top it all off, P7 pupils supported a Harvest donation collection at the end of term with families donating items to support others in the community.

These donations were given to the EATS Rosyth Community project, which aims to grow and share food, reduce food waste, help the environment and improve food education in the community.

Kate McIntosh, the Deputy Head Teacher, told the Press: "The children have been working on how they can think of others through our social targets. 

"Every year, we try to support charities nationally, but also in our own community. We are very proud of their efforts to organise and successfully hold events in school to support this. 

"We are also incredibly lucky that our families and local community are so generous."