Fife Council are looking to raise awareness of Meals on Wheels to make sure some of the older and more vulnerable members of our communities are looked after.

The Council have highlighted how it's not just the food that makes the service so crucial.

Meals on Wheels makes sure that those who need the service are looked after with a hot nutritious meal without having to worry about cooking or shopping, all whilst being checked on and receiving some vital social interaction from those who deliver the meals.

Councillor Graeme Downie, spokesperson for health and social care, launched the Fife campaign this week, saying: "Tackling loneliness and improving health is a key goal of the Fife Council social work programme.

“The two course meals are a fantastic way to ensure people are getting a healthy, hot meal everyday but the people who deliver this service give residents so much more than just a hot meal. They will have a friendly chat and be a friend for residents, as well as acting as an early warning for other services if a person might need additional assistance.

“This week, and always, we should remember how important this service is in combatting loneliness and social exclusion in our communities.”

The Meals on Wheels service is available if you are any elderly person or an adult with a disability, chronic illness, mental health issue or dementia. The service provides over 800 meals a day, 363 days a year.

Cllr Downie added: “This is an invaluable service to hundreds of people across Fife and we value the work of all those who work so hard to deliver it. Anyone who sees the work the drivers carry out is blown away by the care, compassion and standard of the meals and service.

“So please help us spread the word to anyone you think might benefit from the service and join us in thanking everyone involved in making it work so well.”

If you, or someone you know, are interested there’s more information available at