People in Gowkhall have raised concerns about speeding in the village - with a West Fife councillor calling on the local authority to reduce the speed limit.

It follows similar issues highlighted recently in the Press relating to dangerous and speeding motorists passing through Cairneyhill.

West Fife and Coastal Villages Councillor Graeme Downie said “There have been a couple of traffic and road-related issues that have been around since I was elected last year, but the article in the Dunfermline Press about Cairneyhill has brought it back to the forefront.

“I received several calls in relation to a speeding hotspot at Gowkhall, and in response I have written to Fife Council officers asking for the speed limit to be brought down.”

Cllr Downie added: “I’m hoping that there will be some good news on that in the coming weeks. We’ve also seen the 20mph reduction in Carnock which will hopefully be implemented soon as well.”

Last month, the Press reported on traffic officers being in place in Cairneyhill, which was something Cllr Downie hoped would act as a deterrent and make people more aware of the issue of speeding.

He said: “The Dunfermline Press piece raised a lot of issues in regard to speeding in the local area and brought some much-needed attention to them.

"Hopefully with some pressure from the local community we can get something done to deal with these speeding hotspots, particularly the one in Gowkhall.”