Dunfermline’s Music on Sundays concert season continues on Sunday, November 19, as the Rookh Horn Quartet arrive in the city.

Lauren Reeve-Rawlings, Ian Smith, Helena Jacklin and Stephanie Jones have been playing together since 2017, when they decided to explore – and expand – music for French horn and natural horn.

Their first concert was such a success that they got invited to festivals up and down the country, including the International Horn Society’s annual event in 2021.

When not performing as part of Rookh or freelancing, the members can be found in orchestras including Scottish Symphony and Scottish Opera.

Their name comes from their world premiere performance of composer Jane Stanley’s Lalla Rookh. It’s based on a letter written by a former Glasgow University staff member and amateur horn player, William Thomson, who later gained international fame as scientist Lord Kelvin. He was on board the ship Lalla Rookh at the time, anchored in the harbour of Funchal, Madeira.

As well as arrangements by well-known composers including Rossini, Weber and Schubert, the concert will also feature more modern pieces – including the highly topical Pandemic by Lynda Nicholson.

The concert takes place at 7.30pm on Sunday, November 19, at Viewfield Baptist Church in East Port, Dunfermline. Tickets and further information are available at dunfermlinemusic.org or people can pay at the door.