Two schools in Duloch Community Campus have come together to raise money for Children in Need and their schools.

Duloch Primary School and Calaiswood School have raised over £850 by dunking the head teacher of Calaiswood School in their hydrotherapy pool. Head teacher Laura Spence jumped into the pool fully clothed before deputy head teachers Catriona Bathie and Lindsey Morrice joined her in the pool.

Before she took the plunge, Laura said she was feeling: “A little bit nervous to be honest! I think at the time when Matt first floated the idea, no pun intended, I thought och it’ll be a bit of fun, but now it’s getting closer the nerves are kicking in.”

Speaking ahead of the event, Matt Kirkbride, swimming teacher at Calaiswood School, said: “So this was a pupil’s idea in Duloch, a boy called Harry who’s in primary six I think, comes for a swimming lesson on a Monday afternoon, and we were talking about Children in Need coming up, on Friday, November 17.

“As we were talking, we kind of thought about something really cool that we could do as a campus to raise money for Children in Need. And within that conversation, he kind of had the thought, well maybe somebody could be pushed in the pool, and then together we kind of thought, Mrs Spence hasn’t really been in the pool yet. It might be really cool for the campus if she goes into the pool with all her clothes on.”

One pupil from each class at Duloch Primary School was chosen to attend the dunk and all pupils who were chosen had proved that they had met the school’s values. Some pupils from Calaiswood also came along to the pool to watch.

The children all counted Mrs Spence in before she jumped into the pool and once all three teachers were in the water, the water jets were turned on!

Half of the money raised by the event will be given to Children in Need, and the other half will go to school funds. There will be a priority list regarding what the schools spend their share of the money on, but it could go towards sports equipment or sensory play items.

Matt added: “I think we’re very lucky to have a hydrotherapy pool in Calaiswood School and it’s accessed by a lot of pupils with complex needs.

"The pool is a great resource for pupils who need to just kind of stretch their bodies and have the fitness and general health benefits that hydrotherapy brings.”