A DAD and his daughter have raised £200 for a charity that is close to their hearts by completing the viral 'One Chip Challenge'. 

Will and Sophie Little both conquered the fiery chip challenge on Saturday, November 4 to raise money for the Scottish Network for Arthritis in Children (SNAC). 

And it took around two hours for Will to recover!

He told the Press: "Sophie is 11 and she's watching YouTube and TikTok and that sort of thing. There's this thing, it's called the 'One Chip Challenge' and it's coated in Ghost Chilli and the hottest chillies in the world. 

"It is brutal! The chip itself is actually black because it's coated in all of these horrific spices and stuff. 

"It's quite popular on YouTube and TikTok so that's why we decided to do that. It took about two hours for my lips to stop tingling, it wasn't one of my finer moments!"

After a bit of research, Will decided that Sophie should only take a small piece of the chip. She was keen to take part as SNAC is a charity that is dear to her. 

Will continued: "Sophie has Arthritis so there's a charity she is part of called SNAC. They don't get any government funding at all and they take all of these kids out to places like Blairdrummond Safari Park and Deep Sea World. 

"It's all having to be funded by fundraisers like me and Sophie so that's why we done it for them. 

"Truthfully, I didn't know that Arthritis in children was a thing until Sophie got diagnosed at five or six years old and it was one of her Doctors that put us in touch with the charity. 

"Just for me and her mum to chat to other parents that have kids with arthritis, it helped us to see that what we were dealing with, we weren't on our own. 

"I know that it sounds quite cliche but when you're put into a situation that is completely new I think it helps to realise you're not on your own."

SNAC has supported Sophie and her parents and now she and Will have supported them with a £200 donation. 

To support Sophie and Will, visit their GoFundMe. More information on SNAC can be found here.