Members of the shop workers' union have been raising awareness of violence and abuse directed at shop staff - and calling for greater respect.

USDAW set up a Freedom from Fear campaign stall at Dunfermline’s Tesco Fire Station as part of Respect for Shopworkers Week.

The campaign aims to prevent violence and abuse towards staff and to highlight the importance of respect in stores.

According to USDAW, three out of four retail workers have been verbally abused in the last twelve months.

USDAW representatives and Tesco staff members, Vicky and Catherine, were present at the stall, along with Councillor Cara Hilton, education spokesperson for Fife Council.

Speaking on what she hopes the campaign can achieve, Vicky said: “More awareness. Not just for our colleagues but for everybody, because I don’t think a lot of people realise that a bill has been passed through parliament. And it is a slow process to get it followed through properly.”

The Protection of Workers (Retail and Age-restricted Goods and Services) (Scotland) Bill became law in February 2021 and aims to give greater protection to retail workers. USDAW encourages all retail workers to use these new rights and to report any abuse or violence.

As well as highlighting the issue of abuse towards staff, the stall had information about a range of other important issues in the workplace including hidden disabilities, mental health, and hearing loss and deaf awareness.

Catherine said: “It is just to highlight so that colleagues know we’re campaigning and supporting them and customers. Basically, it’s just about respect.”

Cllr Hilton added: “Christmas is a busy time and USDAW have highlighted three out of four retail workers have experienced abuse in the past year, so I think this campaign is really important.

"People can get stressed at Christmas doing their shopping, but they really do need to keep their cool and respect shop workers.”