A Dunfermline teenager was caught drug dealing after his car was stopped by police.

Cambeul Farish, 19, of Cedar Grove, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on June 11 at Afton Grove, he was in possession of cannabis and ketamine with intent to supply.

Depute fiscal Brogan Moffat said that police stopped Farish’s car because of the speed it was travelling at and on speaking to him officers could smell cannabis from the vehicle.

Herbal matter and white powder were found in bags and Farish was arrested.

There was 50g of herbal cannabis with an estimated value of £510 and 37g of ketamine valued at around £1480.

Defence solicitor Stephen Morrison said it was a case of “social supply” by his client to acquaintances.

“He and his friends would club together to buy drugs and share them at no profit,” he added. “He seems to have lost his way when he went to high school and got in tow with an older group of people. This led to him drinking alcohol at the age of 12 and smoking cannabis when he was 13.”

Sheriff Craig McSherry imposed a community payback order with 160 hours of unpaid work.