THE Inner Wheel Club welcomed district chairman Annetta Anderson to its latest meeting.

She spoke about her personal life and her plans for the organisation in the year ahead, as well as telling members about her chosen charity for the year – MS Society Scotland which is a charity close to her heart as her mother sadly died at a very early age from the illness.

Annetta explained that thankfully due to modern research this illness is much more treatable than it was but still needs funding to enable further research.

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As the Inner Wheel Organisation will celebrate it’s 100th anniversary in January each club has been asked to do “100 for 100” , and local members have been knitting 100 squares and collecting 100 buttons.

One member, Jacky Chalmers, has walked 100 miles during September and October while other members have also been taking on personal challenges.

The group was asked to write a poem or a song to commemorate the 100th year. One member, Margaret Farquharson, has written not one but three songs and she sang them at the meeting last Thursday – a big well done to Margaret!