The vice-chairman of Dunfermline Athletic Business Club and his family are hosting a fundraiser for the hospice that cared for his mother.

William Braisby, along with his father Billy, who is vice chairman of Dunfermline Athletic Football Club, and brother Fraser, is organising a charity event in memory of Lynne.

She passed away from cancer of the lung and liver, on December 3 last year, at just 63 years old. All of the money raised will go to the NHS Fife hospice who cared for Lynne. She was cared for in Queen Margaret Hospice.

Lynne had three grandchildren and to help youngsters in such difficult situations, the hospice gives them soft toys. The children get to choose a soft toy and then a small version of that toy stays with their loved one when they are buried.

William said: “My niece picked a bear, my son picked a monkey, my nephew picked another soft toy.

“So, they have all kept a hold of it.”

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However, the hospice is only able to offer this to children through donations and fundraisers. William added: “The only reason they can do that is by fundraising and donations, it’s not in the NHS budget.

“It’s a fantastic thing that they do and nobody has heard of it unless you were in that situation.”

To raise donations for the hospice and to help them provide these soft toys to other grieving children, the family are hosting an evening at the Glen Pavilion.

Entertainment will be there on the night with The Rising and a Motown singer performing. There will also be auctions and raffles.

The event is in Lynne’s honour, who William said was: “Really family driven and family oriented.

“Family was so important to her.”

The charity event will be held on Saturday, February 17.