A BUILDING society with a branch on Dunfermline High Street has announced its new charity partnership with FareShare.

The Yorkshire Building Society will raise funds to support the charity, which works to fight hunger and food waste, and its Building Skills for the Future programme to help 2,500 people enter the world of work.

The society will support FareShare through fundraising and cause collections across its branch network.

The charity redistributes quality surplus food from the food industry - that would otherwise go to waste - to over 8,500 local charities across the UK. 

In addition to providing food, these charities help tackle the root causes of poverty and provide vital services including lunch clubs for older people, community kitchens, breakfast and after-school clubs, domestic violence refuges, and homeless shelters.

The Building Skills for the Future programmes will also offer coaching, support, practical workshops and work experience to help enable users to secure full-time employment, in seven of the charity’s 34 regional centres. 

For more information about FareShare, visit their website.