JOLLY Santa Claus is set to fly into Kingseat and visit all the boys and girls in the village before Christmas. 

Father Christmas enjoyed his visit to the grotto so much that he has decided to come again this year in the hopes of giving out a selection box to all the kids and young people (aged under 18). 

Due to arrive in the village at around 5pm on Saturday, December 16, Santa will make his way through Keirsbeath Court, Henderson Street, Church Street, Main Street, Greenacres, Lochwood Park, Wallace Place, Russell Avenue and Colin Smith Place, Player Drive and the adjoining streets, Main Street, Frew Place, St. Ninians Court, and finally the top of Main Street.

Santa will be driven through the village to give his reindeer time to rest up before he departs for the North Pole to get things ready in time for December 25.