COUNCILLORS fear the drive to lower the speed limit in Gowkhall to 30mph will be delayed by a "serial complainer".

Currently the A907 road through the village has a 40mph zone and the South and West Fife area committee backed a change to address the concerns of residents.

Local councillor Sam Steele said: "If memory serves me correct I think this was one of the very first issues that myself and Cllr (Graeme) Downie had residents contact us about after the council elections last year.

READ MORE: Objection to 20mph zone 'almost feels vexatious'

"So it's been rumbling on. I think it's going to be especially beneficial given the new 20mph limit that's coming into Carnock.

"Let's just hope our serial complainer doesn't put a delay on it!"

Dunfermline Press: Many concerns have been raised about the speed of traffic through Gowkhall.Many concerns have been raised about the speed of traffic through Gowkhall. (Image: Google Maps)

There have long been complaints about the speed of traffic and inappropriate overtaking at Gowkhall, as well as concern for the safety of pedestrians, especially school children, crossing to and from the bus stop.

A report to the committee contained details of a speed survey carried out in December 2022.

It said most vehicles travelling through the village were clocked above the limit and, "on an average day", 500 (7.4 per cent) out of 6,771 vehicles were travelling at 51mph or more.

READ MORE: Driver fined after speed crackdown in Gowkhall

Lesley Craig, from the council's traffic management service, explained: "In 2011 we rationalised the speed limits along the A907 from Dunfermline to Oakley and took away all the national speed limit areas between the villages and reduced them to 40mph.

"When we did that there was still a 30mph zone through Carnock and through Oakley but there was a 40mph limit already through Gowkhall."

She confirmed: "Many concerns have been raised through the local members and through the local MSP (Shirley-Anne Somerville) from the residents asking for a reduction in the speed limit and to try and get speed down through the village environment."

Cllr Downie said: "I remember you and I wandering along that road Lesley, about a week after the elections, wondering what we could do about the speed limit area.

"I know it's taken a little bit of time to get the data to justify this change but I think it's a good change and will certainly help people in the area.

"I hope people will obey the limit as there's been a lot of concern about the speeds that some cars do come through."

A traffic regulation order will now be proposed and a consultation period will begin.

Committee convener, Cllr David Barratt, said: "I do hope we don't get serial complainers and spurious objections about this that delay it, but I think sadly that will be inevitable and we'll probably have to see you back here very soon to talk about this again."