Donibristle Primary School’s new Junior Road Safety Officers planned a successful 'Be Bright, Be Seen' event in school.

All pupils and staff were encouraged to wear as many bright clothes as they could to highlight the importance of travelling safely to and from school.

Dunfermline Press: The school also has a walking bus.The school also has a walking bus. (Image: Donibristle Primary School)

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The group said: "During the dark winter months it can be hard for drivers to see children. We spoke to the boys and girls about why it is important that we can be seen when we are walking. This means drivers can't miss us.

"We were blown away by how great all the children looked in their bright clothes. Some teachers looked great too!"

Dunfermline Press: The Junior Road Safety Officers now want to encourage more pupils to walk to school. The Junior Road Safety Officers now want to encourage more pupils to walk to school. (Image: Donibristle Primary School)

The next step for the JRSO is to encourage more children to walk to school.

Donibristle has a walking bus which is ran by volunteers and operates every day of the week. The bus has two routes, and all children are invited to join it.