There are plans to build 212 homes on farmland just north of Crossgates. 

Persimmon Homes and Mr and Mrs David Orr of Keirsbeath Farms Ltd have submitted a screening request to Fife Council for the major development proposals. 

It simply asks the local authority to determine whether an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required before the plans can progress, but it’s also the first look at what developers have in mind for the 20-acre site. 

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The proposals comprise a residential development of approximately 212 houses – 201 private and 11 affordable homes – across 17 different property types.

Dunfermline Press: An aerial view of the site on the edge of Crossgates where 212 new homes are planned. An aerial view of the site on the edge of Crossgates where 212 new homes are planned. (Image: Google Maps)

Developers acknowledged that there is likely to be a “degree of impact arising from a new development on such a greenfield site”.

However, they have argued that it would be in keeping with the existing residential areas immediately to the south at John Wood Place, Church Place, Brands Row and Manse Road.

The development was previously being taken forward in partnership with Miller Homes, who wanted to build 165 houses on the site, but it was confirmed last summer that they had been replaced by Persimmon.

Public consultations were held in the village last year.

The area is currently part of the existing Mains of Beath Farm complex, but it is allocated for up to 200 homes in Fife Council's local development plan. 

The screening request does not offer up concrete plans or drawings, but the developers have specified that if approved, there would be three points of vehicle access – two from Old Perth Road and one from Manse Road.