A remembrance ceremony for those accused of witchcraft in Scotland will take place at Dunfermline Abbey.

The collaborative event by Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland Charity and The Creative Coven is an emotive memorial ceremony for those who lost their lives due to accusations of witchcraft.

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As previously reported in the Press, The Creative Coven are also holding a weaving creative threads event in the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh on June 2. For those who have a ticket for that event, they can bring along their original ticket for free admittance to the Dunfermline event.

There are also a limited number of guest tickets available.

You can email creativecovenscotland@outlook.com if you would like to attend.

It will take place on Tuesday, June 4, in the grounds of Dunfermline Abbey from 7pm to 8pm.