A Dunfermline Slimming World consultant is fundraising for Cancer Research UK this May and June.

Dawn Pianosi will be putting all of her income from new and re-joining members to the charity.

And every time those new slimmers attend a group in June, she will make a further donation.

She got involved with Slimming World just last year after she had gained two stones between 2020 and 2023 due to problems with her vision and the anxiety that came from those challenges.

Dawn said: “Cancer Research has always been really important to me. When I was a teenager, my grandmother, who I lived with, went through treatment for bowel cancer.

"Her treatment was successful and we ended up having several more years of time with her.

READ MORE: Dunfermline slimmer in Race for Life raises £400

“Several family members and friends have been touched by cancer in recent years and time is the gift I'd want to give to anyone receiving a diagnosis for themselves or a loved one.

“Cancer Research's important work aims to do just that: give people time, dignified treatments, better pain relief and life beyond a diagnosis."

Dawn previously raised £130 by doing Race for Life and hopes to raise a further £250 with her current campaign.