The director of an arts hub in Dunfermline recently travelled to China on a trade mission.

Ian Moir, of Fire Station Creative, joined the Lord Provost of Edinburgh and entrepreneurs and business leaders at the International Cultural Industries Fair in Shenzhen.

He said: "The aim was to establish connections with galleries and artists in Shenzhen so that we may create opportunities for cultural exchange.

"The people of Shenzhen treated me with incredible kindness and hospitality.

"The highlight of my trip was a visit to the Dafen Oil Painting Village, composed almost entirely of studios, boutique galleries and cafes.

"There’s also an adjacent museum to celebrate local and national painters.

"Overall, the standard of painting that I saw was exceptionally high, with an emphasis on draughtsmanship and beauty.”

Ian added: "We are thinking big at Fire Station Creative and wish to imprint our brand upon global networks.

Dunfermline Press: Ian Moir of Fire Station Creative (FSC) joined the Lord Provost of Edinburgh and entrepreneurs and

"Shenzhen is the ideal place to start since its people have a strong sense of purpose.

"I was travelling with Scotland’s brightest, most dynamic entrepreneurs and I feel we represented the nation well as we established relationships with our Chinese counterparts."

Ian joined a delegation of 16 entrepreneurs and business leaders on the trip to Shenzhen, a city with more than 18 million people.

It was organised by Jim Galloway, representing the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, and was supported by Business Gateway.