PARENTS are to meet with Fife Council officials as part of efforts to slow down traffic near a Dunfermline school.

The Parent Council at Bellyeoman Primary say they been contacted on several occasions over concerns about youngsters crossing Robertson Road coming to and from school.

It follows a "near miss" last year.

A message to all parents said the school takes the safety of pupils "very seriously" and revealed that the PTC had asked the council to look at the issue.

"We do have a crossing person however, they are only there for a short period of time at either end of the day and very occasionally this is not covered due to absences," it stated.

READ MORE: Road safety warning after 'near miss' close to a Dunfermline primary school

"Robertson Road is not part of the school estate which means this is a transport issue.

"I know several parents took the initiative to contact local councillors and with this in mind I attended the (Bellyeoman) community council meeting last week.

"After some discussion, it was agreed by the councillors in attendance that they would ask the transportation lead officer to do a site visit.

"The councillors are also looking for information about your individual experiences, and these can be passed directly to them, the community council or our parent council."

Headteacher Ashley Brown confirmed that the parent council has voiced concerns about road safety for pupils crossing Robertson Road to come to school and nursery.

"A school crossing patrol officer does assist with road crossing at key times of the day. However, we're aware that there are still concerns about pupils safely crossing this, often busy, road," she said.

"Our parent council chair recently met with me and with the local community council to discuss parental concerns. As a school, we will request a site visit and seek advice from colleagues in the council's roads and transportation services.

"The community council are also supporting this. Alongside this, we will continue to remind children and families of the vital road safety skills we should all be observing."